New GSL Words 1701-1725

Choose a word for each blank. When you are finished, click the Check button.
They are hoping to ______ a new bridge across the river.
When they got married, they opened a _____ checking account.
We flew to Poland ____ Vienna, so we were able to spend a few hours there.
We got seats in the front _______ of the theater.
Everyone was relieved when the police _______ the man who had been breaking into houses in our neigborhood.
A group of lawyers is trying to bring _____ for people who have been wrongly sent to jail.
Children often suffer from depression because they face _______ comparison to other people on social media.
The young thief was given a lighter punishment because of his _______.
Their car ran out of gas, but the managed to _____ into the gas station.
He is having trouble finding a job because his __________ of a high salary are unrealistic.
The police are asking for any ______ to the accident to call them.
Both political parties are _________ each other for the problems in government.
The frightened dog came to her when she spoke in a soft ______ of voice.
They are not going to pass the class untl they start taking their studies _______.
At his retirement party, many people ______ him in speeches about his many accomplishments.
We decided to remodel our kitchen _______ in order to save money.
Please turn off all _______ devices while you are in the movie theater.
They were trying to find a good used car _____ for their next car.
Most computers don't have a _____ drive anymore.
The immigrants had trouble adjusting to the cold in the __________ climate.
The company was fined for discharging hazardous ______ into the river.
She has to work long hours, but she finds time to study ______.
The marathon racers were running very fast until they reached the steep _______.
Eating a lot of fresh _____ and vegetables will keep you healthy.
She worked with her _____ students to arrange a party on the last day of class.