New GSL Words 1951-1975

Choose a word for each blank. When you are finished, click the Check button.
The ______ of Michigan declared a state of emergency after the storm.
I'm looking for a new job because my current ____ is trying to get me to do illegal activities for the company.
He's taking this class because he wants to learn to communicate more _______.
The city is going to__________ more securitycameras because of increasing crime.
Our court system operates on the ______ that everyone is innocent until proven guilty
Because they raised their children _____, the children all speak several languages.
After being diagnosed with high blood pressure, she started eating a low sodium ______.
The word "octopus" means "eight feet," ______ its name.
There will be a big ______ next month for computer game designers.
The cheap model has a platic frame, but the more expensive one has a _______ frame.
They put a _______ of mulch on their garden to retain the moisture in the soil.
Would you like to join us for dinner? We ______ eat at around 6.
I was _______ for all the support I received when my mother was sick.
I'm sorry I'm late. There was a ten car _______ on the highway.
He's trying to _____ more time for social activities into his schedule.
We went to Badlands National Park to see the beautiful rock _________.
The new employee made the _____ mistake of forgetting check his work carefully.
The company grounded all models of that _____ after the accident.
The story ______ the problem of inequality in educational opportunities.
If you cut yourself with a very _____ knife, you often don't realize it until you see the blood.
I would like to grow oranges in my garden, but they would never survive the cold ______.
I hate to _____ you, but I can't come to your party next week.
After the team's embarassing ______, they came back to win their next five games.
She got bored in her ______, so decided to volunteer at a local food pantry.