New GSL Words 1776-2000

Choose a word for each blank. When you are finished, click the Check button.
The students started a protest to _____ their right to free speech.
I'm ____ sorry for saying that. I didn't think before I spoke.
After my father's heart surgery, it took many months before he started acting like his old ____ again.
The nursing program at that school gives students a lot of _____ experience.
They were lucky to find childcare that was both high quality and ______ their house.
The students volunteered to _____ food and blankets after the earthquake.
That restaurant has a _____ for some of the best organic food in the city.
A lack of money ____ many of the problems in inner city schools.
The city is excited about the _____ of 1000 new jobs in the construction industry.
Our contract _____ that the seller would leave all the appliances in the house.
She is on a special diet that _____ gluten.
The prisoner was moved to a special cell after he ______ violent behavior.
It was unusual to have so much _____ weather this winter.
I have a doctor's _____ tomorrow. Would you be able to give me a ride?
As soon as the politician stopped talking, the ____ all tried to ask their questions at the same time.
I forgot to lock the doors of my car. I was ____ that nobody broke into the car.
If you don't develop special interests and hobbies, you will not know how to ____ your time when you retire.
Don't plant your flowers outside until the ____ is warm enough.
We bought many ____ games for our children, but we made sure that they were also fun to play.
They want to move. They live on the ____ floor of their building, and they don't like to climb stairs.
He tried to ____ open his patio door, but it was stuck.
The couple met online, and they _____ for six months befoe the met in person.
I'm sorry that we can't come to your house tomorrow. We've had a ____ emergency in our family.