New GSL Words 51-75

Choose a word for each blank. When you are finished, click the Check button.
I have a job at a restaurant. Where do you ____?
_____ is your name?
I'm going to _____ a list of everything that I have to do today.
I have to leave soon. What ____ is it?
_____ is going to come to your party tomorrow?
I didn't ____ the car coming until it hit me.
I was tired after I walked ____ the big hill.
How many ____ are coming to the wedding?
I would like ____water please.
He looked ____ the window to see if it had stopped raining yet.
I'm not tall enough to reach the top shelf. Would you please get the box for ____?
A ____ friend helps you when you are in trouble.
I don't like that chair. I think I'll buy the _____ one.
They are going to get married next _____.
I got nervous and forgot everything. I didn't do very ____ on the test.
My husband and I take _____ children to the park every weekend.
The auto industry is _____ important to Michigan.
My son looks ____ like his father.
My parents are coming to visit next week. We will pick _____ up at the airport.
She asked if I would take care of her dog for a week, but I said _____.
That's a beautiful rainbow. I'm going to ____ a picture of it.
I can't go with you _____ I have to work tomorrow.
My neighbors are going to _____ with us to the picnic.
I came late, so I ______ only get two tickets.
This food tastes wonderful. What kind of spices did you _____?