New GSL Words 676-700

Choose a word for each blank. When you are finished, click the Check button.
I _____ where Sam is. He should be home by now.
They were so ____ that they couldn't afford new shoes.
He ______ the computer department at the store.
They are building a large _____ to their kitchen.
She was so tired that she went to _____ at 7:00.
The wedding was ______ wonderful.
They just ______ moved to a new city.
I couldn't finish the job ______, but I promise to finish it today.
The company's decision to lay off workers was a big _____ to everyone.
I'm ______ that I forgot to tell you that I was going to be late.
They went to the _____ museum to see many famous paintings.
I need to find a new _____ for keeping a record of my purchases.
He was late for work, so he drove as _____ as he could.
My house is a mess. I'm going to get rid of a lot of old _____.
You have to go to the _____ terminal at the airport for your flight to Europe.
Would you like a cup of tea to _____ while you are waiting?
She _____ some clothes online, but she returned them because she didn't like the color.
I was making _____ some lunch when the phone rang.
Many people ____ about online safety for their children.
They spoiled their children by giving them ____ they wanted.
They went into another room so they could have a _____ discussion.
The fire department tried to _____ what caused the fire at the store.
Their family is going to go on a trip to Canada next ______.
He works during the day, so he is taking ___ classes at the university.
Some people worry about the _____ that TV has on children's behavior.