New GSL Words 826-850

Choose a word for each blank. When you are finished, click the Check button.
I was watching the news on the _____ when the phone rang.
The company failed to reach its _____ of 10% growth last year.
Are you _____ to leave? It's getting late.
The fire was started by a ______ of lightning.
He always carries an identification ______ in his wallet.
They stopped construction on the building because of a _____ gas leak.
I don't trust him. He has a ____ of lying to people.
That ____ is five minutes slow.
You should _____ your ideas before you start to write.
After living in a big city for many years, they decided to move to a small fishing ______.
She was ____ hit by a car while she was riding her bike.
I _____ to work during the day, but this month I have to work the night shift.
They saw some _____ in the bushes just before a bear ran out towards them.
You don't like any of my ideas. What do you _____ to do instead?
It's my grandmother's birthday. Can you _____ how old she is?
He is going to have an _____ on his knee next month.
Dentophobia is a _____ of going to the dentist.
Their new baby has dark curly ____ just like his father.
We're trying to decide if we should go to New York or Florida for our _____ this summer.
The Huron River ______ drinking water for Ann Arbor.
As soon as October begins, the weather gets _____ colder.
Fill out your ____ for the job and leave it at the front dest.
He couldn't _____ because of the noisy party next door.
People usually find jobs easier if they have a strong _____ of friends in the same career.
The company failed because it didn't have a very good _____ for growth.